And, we've organised them from the most basic and well-known to the most advanced.

We’ve rounded up 10 handy keyboard shortcuts that will help you zip through your daily grind, so you can spend more time on things that matter - or at least save your index finger from repetitive stress syndrome. Your desktop, browser, Gmail and even Facebook all have simple keyboard-based shortcuts you can press to more quickly accomplish things you do all the time - things like creating a new tab in Chrome or favouriting a tweet.

Turns out, there are a few savvy (and super-easy) keyboard tricks that can do just that. If we could navigate all those digital tasks without ever having to take our hands off the keyboard, we'd save precious seconds that would definitely add up by the end of the day. We Google things, we check Facebook and Twitter.

We tap around, switching between spreadsheets, documents, calendars and Gmail. At R29, our computer habits are pretty basic.